I Also Got To Tour the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit [PICS]
While I was away last week doing a couple of Insane Inflatable 5K's I had some free time in Detroit. So I headed downtown and to the Henry Ford Museum for the world's fastest tour.
It was the world's fastest tour because I got there about 30 minutes before they closed. But since it was so late they let me in free so bonus!
Here are just a few pictures, like 60, from the museum. I don't know what many of these vehicles are, but there are some really cool ones in this gallery including the actual Presidential limo that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in. Yes. The actual car he was killed in.
For more info on any of these really cool and historic cars and trains go to their website. And if you're ever in Detroit I highly recommend this place. Especially if there's a car buff in your family.