It's a great day for everyone out there who's ever stubbed their toe or bumped their knee . . . then let a bunch of swear words fly no matter how many women, children, or nuns were around.  You were on to something. According to a new study out of Keele University in Staffordshire, England, there's now scientific proof that swearing is actually an effective painkiller. In the study, people who SWORE after suffering some genuine pain felt 400% less pain than people who kept things G-rated.  The researchers believe it happens because swearing gives you an emotional release in the face of stress. So if the situation calls for it let 'em fly and damn the consequences! Of course I must add a disclaimer that this study was performed in England, and their idea of swearing can often be more subdued than a typical West Texas verbal apocalypse. And depending on where you let loose you may suffer far more dire consequences than say a small town radio dj would, so as in real estate always remember location location location!

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