Silent Wings Museum is hosting a family friendly event, Holidays on the Homefront! Participate in activities such as making gingerbread houses and paper snowflakes.
Lubbock Artisan Collective and Biscuit Club join forces for upcoming Winter Market! Preview night is Dec 8th followed by the full event on Dec 9th. Music, food trucks and art galore!
It’s that time of year where the decorations are coming out, everyone is excited for the holidays, and all of Lubbock lights up with beautiful Christmas displays.
It's that time of year to break out the holiday mugs! That's right, since December has arrived, all of our coffee cabinets will undergo a transformation to boring everyday mugs to festive ceramic decorations aka "holiday mugs." There are many type of holiday mugs, that's why we've decided to present to you the first "Lubbock's Holiday MugShot Monday!"
Ahh, the Holidays - family, fun and the Office Christmas Party! Over the years, I've gone to every office Christmas party and have seen some wild things. The big question is - If you do act up and your behavior is awful - can you actually get fired at your Christmas Party?!