‘American Idol’ & Gospel Songstress Mandisa to Perform at Panhandle South Plains Fair

Mandisa will be performing at the Panhandle South Plains Fair Monday night, September 28th, 2020 as part of their annual free concert series.
Mandisa is in a very special club: she is the fifth former American Idol contestant to go on to win a Grammy award. Her album, Overcomer, won Best Contemporary Christian Music Album in 2013. While she may have placed 9th on her season of American Idol, her career has gone much, much further.
She's also one of the few people who was able to put judge Simon Cowell in his place after he made disparaging remarks about her weight. She told him:
"What I want to say to you is that, yes, you hurt me and I cried and it was painful, it really was. But I want you to know that I've forgiven you and that you don't need someone to apologize in order to forgive somebody. I figure that if Jesus could die so that all of my wrongs could be forgiven, I can certainly extend that same grace to you."
He apologized, as he should.
Watch this page and be sure to listen to 102.5 KISS FM for more details on how you can score your free tickets to see this talented performer live this fall. And be sure to grab your Mega Passes for an entire week of food, fun and amazing free concerts.
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