I know that it takes all kinds and one thing may make me sick may be just what you love. There is a huge list of fetishes out there and i am sure that if you can dream it up, someone will love it... literally! But this one here? Not for me!

When you think crazy, sexy, cool, I doubt that the thought of a FART ever crosses you mind, but for ONE guy that is not true. Nothing gets his motor running more than a big juicy fart! The smell and the sound for some reason just drive him crazy!

A psychologist named Mark Griffiths from Nottingham Trent University in England just published his report on the first-ever documented case of eproctophilia.  That's when a person is turned on by the sound  and smell of flatulence. .

Griffiths found the first known person with eproctophilia and he's right here in the U.S.  He's a 22-year-old, who was only identified as Brad, living in Illinois.

Griffiths says Brad shined a lot of insight into eproctophilia.  Quote, "He's not sexually attracted to flatulence, but the person releasing it."

Also, this makes Brad have bisexual tendencies. The first time he got turned on was when he was 16 and a male friend broke wind in front of him.

Brad says, quote,

"At first I didn't want to admit I was into his farting.  I set up a bet and intentionally lost, with the wager being the right to fart in the loser's face for a week.  I continued to lose such bets once every few weeks for about two years."

Brad just got his degree in fine arts and continues to have, quote, "recurring, intense sexual urges and fantasies involving flatulence."  Griffiths' report on Brad was published in a medical journal called "Archives of Sexual Behavior".

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