Broadway lost a legend with the passing of Carol Channing, who died Tuesday, January 15th, 2019 at the age of 97.

More than 20 years ago, Channing had performed in Lubbock, Texas.

Credit: Playbill
Credit: Playbill

This is from 1997, and Ms. Channing performed as Dolly three times at the Lubbock Municipal Coliseum.

I went twice, opening and closing night, with my friend, Dan.

We managed to snag 5th row seats, and all I can say is that Ms. Channing stunned the folks of West Texas.

After the performance, she came out on stage and talked about how it's pronounced Lubbock, not 'LOU-BOCK.'

Also, we found out she was staying at the old Lubbock Plaza hotel. We wanted to fan-girl, but we didn't.

I was very sad to hear that she passed away. Channing had a long and incredible career, and I hope she will continue to play Dolly in the afterlife.

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