Lady Gaga sparked up a spliff and smoked pot on stage in Amsterdam earlier this week. In addition to intense media coverage that followed her actions, she has been criticized for what's perceived as glamorizing drug use. Officials at Blenheim CDP, a London-based substance abuse charity, invited her to visit a drug treatment center to witness the horrors of drug use firsthand.

John Jolly, chief executive of Blenheim CDP, disapproved of Gaga's onstage stunt and even offered to take her on a tour of one of their medical units so she could see the effects of drug abuse, particularly that of marijuana usage, with her own two eyes. Perhaps the organizations hopes that Gaga can use her massive fame to help curtail the problem.

"I think it’s always unhelpful when people in the public eye of a particular influence are seen engaging in drug use, particularly because cannabis use is a significant problem for people under 25 in the U.K.," he said. "The predominant drug we are dealing with in our treatment centers for people under 25 years old is cannabis so it’s particularly unhelpful when things like this happen."

It's not like Gaga is freebasing! She smoked a joint in a country where it's legal to do so.

Watch the Lady Gaga 'Marry the Night' Video

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