I guess you could blame the suspension on my truck, but then again, 'cmon!

Today (2.28.23) there is supposed to be a "State Of The City" address. I will be the first to admit that I've checked out of this nonsense. In Lubbock, the goal is to kick the can down the road to the next guy, never really trying to improve anything.

I'm sure if it were close to election time we'd hear about some nonsensical issue that gets all of the old folks mad enough to vote. Me, I have my three issues, #1. Streets, #2. Policing, #3. Stray Pet Population.

Photo by Jonatan Burneo on Unsplash
Photo by Jonatan Burneo on Unsplash

I guess I should dive into those three topics a little deeper. Taking care of the stray pet population is just a matter of applying will and resources. Some places in the U.S. have such a lack of stray pets, we actually send them ours. Fixing this problem is doable.

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash
Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash


Next up is policing. I want our police to have the resources they need to fight crime, but not fight citizens. I'm not a big fan of giving police urban warfare vehicles, but I am 100% in favor of giving the police a fair wage for the sacrifices they make.


Now, the reason you're here. Streets are another problem that is entirely fixable, we just have to make them a priority. Yesterday I hit a pothole so hard that it knocked the filament loose on my truck's headlight, leaving me with a one-eyed jaunt into work today. No big deal, right? Well, I wouldn't even have noticed the correlation if this wasn't the second time it happened.

I guess I'm a radical because my agenda is Fix The Streets, Help The Police, and Fix The Pets.  Now, let's see if any of this is addressed in today's State Of The City Address.

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