It only takes a half hour or less to make some nasty looking fingers out of hot dogs. This is literal Halloween finger food.

Here are the ingredients:

  • 1 package of hot dogs or sausages.
  • Ketchup (or BBQ sauce)
  • Some lettuce for garnishing
  • Coconut chips or sliced almonds

Making the Hand of Death is pretty simple...and scary.

To really make the hot dog slice look like an amputated finger, just slice off a little piece where the fingernails go, put down a spot of ketchup and apply a piece of coconut (like the video) or a sliced almond.

Make little slices down the side of the hot dog. Use your own finger for reference to see where the wrinkles should go.

Then, depending on the size of the hot dog or sausage, put them in the microwave. We tried 30-second increments so we didn't explode them. You just want them swelled up enough for the wrinkles to open.

Finally, garnish them however you like. We put it on a plate with lettuce so it appears there's an entire hand there.

Now, you can use these fingers separately for just leaving around the office to scare people too! Oh, they're also delicious to eat if that's what you're into.

Here's what the finished product looks like:

hot dog hand for halloween
Doug Brannson

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