As a comedian or performing artist you are used to the occasional drunk that will not shut-up, or someone that thinks you stink and they want everyone to know all about it. Heckler, Prick, A**hole, whatever you call them it's just something that goes along with the business. Most of the time if you ignore them, they will shut-up but sometimes you gotta regulate and that's exactly what Russel Brand did.

Russel Brand tore up a heckler at a show in Atlantic City on Saturday.  He actually stopped the show, had them turn the house lights on, then walked out into the crowd and made the guy look like an idiot for a full three minutes.
He stopped the show when the guy yelled, "God save the Queen."  But right before that, the guy had yelled the name of Russell's ex-wife, Katy Perry. And that was the last straw!
Brand gives this guy the business like no other I have ever seen. Check this out:

Ahhhhh Sweet Revenge!

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