Can you believe it is almost time again for this fantastic event?

Los Hermanos Familia and Latino Lubbock Magazine present the annual Vamos a Pescar - Let's Go Fishing Event!

This years event will be held on Saturday, August 11th from 6 am until 2 pm at Buddy Holly Lake, located at N. University and Cesar Chavez Drive.

  • We Require The Following
  • That you register.
  • That all adults be accompanied by a child to fish at this event, and vice versa.
  • That you come ready to have fun and relax.
  • Please have your group meet at the same time to check in. Pre-registered can check in as early as 5 a.m. However, if members of your group will not be able to check in at the same time, please consider having them register separately at 6 a.m. Also, no additions can be made to preregistrations until 6 a.m.
  • This is a non-competitive family event. The prize is having fun, bonding with family, creating memories.

From Frank Garcia, Co-Chair/Founder Los Hermanos Familia: 2009, they coordinated the “Vamos a Pescar” (Let’s Go Fishing) Fishing event to bring dads together with their children/families. The event was deemed to be free, no license, no registration fee, no cost for lunch – as to not hinder families, or discourage their participation in the event.

For more information or to register you can visit Los Hermanos Familia! Now, let's go fishing!

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