This Saturday at the Nightmare on 19th Street, we'll have a special hour for little kids to show off their costumes and pick up a little candy and Halloween swag.  We've covered anything "scary" so the little kids can relax and have some fun, and we'll have some people in costumes that the kids will love! Again, nothing scary will be visible to your little ones.We'll have little area roped off on the Nightmare on 19th Street midway where kids can hit 'trick or treat' stations, take pictures and show off their costumes.  We may even have some Halloween story readings if it's not too chaotic.

Many school districts, including LISD, have started banning Halloween parties and replacing them with "Fall Festivals". No costumes, no candy, NO FUN! So we wanted to give all this new generation of children some of the same fun we all had as kids. They need a chance to dress up, show it off, and have some fun! Plus, by having this event on this Saturday the 20th, we also want to make sure you are freed up for your own Halloween fun closer to the actual holiday.


This little event is specially designed for the under 11 group that doesn't really have any place to trick or treat anymore. The world has taken the Halloween we knew as kids and pretty much ruined it.  This is our first year for this event, so we have no idea how many kids we can take care of. But we'll take care of as many kids as possible. From six p.m. to seven p.m. we'll try to keep the treats flowing. We have some excellent sponsors like Sonic and Culligan that are going to help our treats go a little further and bring out mascots to take pictures with. We'll have some popcorn popping and a few other people in costume to visit with.

This is a totally free event too! We hope to be able to make every child happy with some candy and some fun, however we don't have any idea how many might show up. So just to be safe, come out early if possible, and maybe stash a few pieces of candy in a pocket or purse just to be safe. We want everyone to go away happy and we'd hate to run out of candy before we got to your kids.

We are in the rear area of the Lone Star Events Center at 602 East 19th. This is the amphitheater where we've had many concerts. Its %100 safe and we will have security on hand in case you were concerned. Once again, the event is Saturday 6-7.  At 7 we'll have to start getting ready for our evening scares, so it will end there. But we hope to have as many of you as possible join us for our very first little kids Halloween party!

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