Alamo Drafthouse Kids Camp Is Showing ‘Despicable Me’ Next Week
Alamo Drafthouse has a summer program called Alamo Kids Camp that is awesome. And while summer is winding down, there are still kids movies to see. Next week, take the kids to the original Despicable Me, Monday through Thursday (July 30 - August 2).
For four days, you can take your kid(s) to the movies on the cheap.
The Alamo Kids Camp shows kids favorite movies for a pick your price value that can't be beat. You can choose whether you pay $1, $3, or $5 for you and your kids to see the movie. Plus, all the money is donated to local non-profits, so you're helping the community, too!
Check out their website for tickets and movie times, and grab one last funday with your family at Alamo Drafthouse.
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