Okay another fall is right around the corner and that means a whole new batch of freshman will be wondering around campus with that "deer in the headlights" look on their faces

. I know I have a ton of parents wondering what will my kiddo need other than a pocket full of money to survive on campus this semester.

Don't worry I have you guys and gals hooked up for this August. What do you REALLY  need for life in the dorms of Texas Tech?

Texas Tech Dorm Life Necessities:

  1. One thing all dorm rooms do not have a lot of is closet space so make sure that a under the bed storage bag is on your list. A bag for clothes to slide under that bed and a shoe organizer that you can hang on a door is gonna make life a whole lot easier.
  2. A Mini-Fridge is a MUST HAVE! even though your roomie may have one as well, trust me you will find something to keep both of them stocked full.
  3. Don't forget to raid mom's stash of Tupperware and grab a few bowls to have on hand for some cereal in the morning or that old college staple Ramen Noodle. Don't forget a roll of Solo Red cups as well.
  4. Umbrella, Rain Boots and a Rain Coat. These may sound silly but trust me the first time you get trapped in the rain and your next class is a half a mile away you are going to thank me.
  5. A piece of egg crate or memory foam will be your best friend! Not to say that the mattress provided in the dorms are not adequate, it's just nice to have that extra layer to snuggle up in at the end of a long day of...."studying"...lol
  6. A couple of extension cords and a big 12 port + surge protector is another item that is a must have when your sharing a couple of outlets with your roommate.
  7. Bathrobe, shower flip-flops and a shower caddie will also make your life a lot simpler. You can not go bare foot in the showers so a plastic cheap-o pair of flip-flops will keep you fungus free and a handy caddie for all your shower stuff will keep you organized and never stuck in the shower without shampoo.
  8. A Tablet of some kind is going to keep you organized and your massive amounts of reading assignments all in one space. It may seem like a splurge but an Ipad, Galaxy  or Kindle is going to make your life so much simpler.
  9. Something you would never think of is a tool kit. Nothing big. Just a hammer, pliers and a coupe of screwdrivers will come in so handy. Hanging pictures or a little car trouble in the morning. There are a 1000 reasons you will need this!
  10. Plenty of snacks and soda and I mean plenty! Snack and Soda machines will eat up 5-10 dollars a day if you let them. So hit Wal-Mart and load up!

There you go guys I hope this helps and good luck this coming semester!


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