Your Amazon Alexa Can Be Used As A Pseudo-Security System
The Amazon Alexa has lots of useful features, from turning on and off lights to playing music, to acting as a sort-of-security system.
Wait. What?
An insurance company created the skill with the purpose of being able to:"harnesses the power of human awkwardness to ward off unwanted visitors,"
All you have to do is say "Alexa, enable Away Mode" and it will play hours of audio to give the impression that someone is in your home.
You get such tracks as a stay at home mom who is about to lose it, a book club meeting, and a mother telling her daughter how to assemble a bookcase over the phone.
I will have to try this out, if I was going to break in, I would think twice after hearing some of these conversations.
And don't forget we are on your Alexa Device as well!