K-Pop Star AleXa’s Emo Era Is a Callback to Her Teen Years as a My Chemical Romance Fan (EXCLUSIVE)K-Pop Star AleXa’s Emo Era Is a Callback to Her Teen Years as a My Chemical Romance Fan (EXCLUSIVE)AleXa is feeling a little emo. Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
Texans Will Celebrate More Than A Time Change This WeekendTexans Will Celebrate More Than A Time Change This WeekendAre you ready for a very iconic, but very recent holiday?WesWes
You Won’t Like The Way European A.I. Portrays TexansYou Won’t Like The Way European A.I. Portrays Texans Discover the exaggerated stereotypes AI creates about states like TexasWesWes
Is Lubbock’s Marsha Sharp Freeway A Magnet For Accidents?Is Lubbock’s Marsha Sharp Freeway A Magnet For Accidents?Are there more accidents on the Marsha Sharp Freeway compared to other roads in Lubbock?WesWes
Did You Know It’s Legal For Texas To Try And Control The Weather?Did You Know It’s Legal For Texas To Try And Control The Weather?Texas actually has "weather modification programs" written into the agriculture code.WesWes
Amazon’s Alexa May Someday Talk In Your Dead Relative’s VoiceAmazon’s Alexa May Someday Talk In Your Dead Relative’s VoiceIs that comforting or disturbing?Matt SingerMatt Singer
Prime Day ends today! Don’t miss out!Prime Day ends today! Don’t miss out!Prime Day is live! We've put together this page for all the great deals we discover throughout the sale. Be sure to check back since we'll be posting awesome deals as we find them!Pip DickerPip Dicker
Your Amazon Alexa Can Be Used As A Pseudo-Security SystemYour Amazon Alexa Can Be Used As A Pseudo-Security SystemThe Amazon Alexa has lots of useful features, from turning on and off lights to playing music, to acting as a sort-of-security system.BoleoBoleo
What Recordings Does Alexa Have and How To Delete ThemWhat Recordings Does Alexa Have and How To Delete ThemLast week there was a pretty big story about a woman whose personal conversation was recorded and sent to a co-worker.BoleoBoleo