It's time to break out those mittens!

The snowy season is right around the corner. Of course in Lubbock the "snowy season" is usually about two snowstorms, amounting to probably less than a week or two of snow on the ground. Still, it's fun to think about right?

Weatherspark says the snowy season in Lubbock lasts from November 26th to February 11th. It also says that January is when we're most likely to have snow with an average of under one and a half inches.

I have to admit that I've written on this topic before and it seems like the weather sites are all much less likely to try to hone in on an actual date (I wish I could give you an edge for those "First Freeze" contests). I can't say I really blame them, but you'd think there would be enough climate data to at least make an educated guess.

How about those "wild guesses" though? To me, it seems like we always get snow right around New Year's Eve. Now, that could be my memory getting the best (or worst) of me, but my prediction, based on nothing but a gut feeling is going to be December 31st.

So there we are, you are about five weeks from what is usually the "snow season" around these parts. Are you prepared? Do you have firewood? Do you have thermal underwear? Most importantly, do you have everything you need to make Caldo?

20 Striking Photos From Across Texas During Winter Storm Uri

Texas was hit hard by Winter Storm Uri, a polar vortex which led to millions being without power for days in constant freezing temperatures. These photos show the good, the bad and ugly of the crisis.

***Careful Possibly Obscene Snow Sculpture Included***

Snow Traditions In Lubbock

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