When was the last time you bought school supplies? Sticker shock, am I right?

Let’s face it they are expensive and some families have a hard time getting their kids what they need, more often than not, through no fault of their own.

The Bridge of Lubbock and the Lubbock Boys and Girls Clubs will be holding “Bridge Bash” on Saturday, August 19th from 9 am to 12 pm at The Bridge of Lubbock.

BUT WAIT! The cool part is that they will also be handing out applications to get school uniforms as well!

They are hoping to give out 125-150 backpacks full of school supplies this year.

From The Bridge of Lubbock:

“You don't have to bring proof of anything with you, Bizarre Solutions is super generous in giving us funding to give uniforms to people because most of the schools in East Lubbock, except the high school, have to wear uniforms and so we want to take that financial burden off a little bit for families."

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