Ever had one of those days when nothing is going right? Your alarm failed to go off, your out of coffee, the dog made a poo right beside the bed and the kids are singing no screaming Justin Beiber at the top of their lungs at 6 am to start the day off!!! I had one of those days today fo sho... Alarm quit me sometime in the night so I'm up 45 minutes late. One of the neighbors left bubble gum in the dryer after they used it last so now said gum is all over my Polo Chinos and sweater. I open the front door and step in a huge pile of Lexas Crap!!! (Lexas- neighbors dog) The Topper? I get pulled over on the way to work!!! 72 in a 60 with an expired insurance card... At this point I am about to start a 5 state killing spree because I know a fat costly ticket is coming and just the thought of a month of Ramen Noodle gave me a vomit taste in my mouth... The Officer looks at me... Hands me my license and expired insurance card... and says..."Slow down, it will be there when you get there son". In that instance... Perspective... Don't sweat the small stuff kiddos...It will be there when you get there.