Texas Tech ‘Pledgetok’ Goes Viral with Hilarious Video
We are around a month into the 2023 fall semester, and students are really getting into the swing of things. Classes are going steady, we’ve had a couple TTU home football games, and students are really settling into campus life.
This is also an extra important time for some students who are looking to join Greek life. Pledging is a big thing for students looking to join a frat or sorority, and the process usually takes around six weeks. During this time, pledges are learning as much as they can about their desired frat, getting to know established members, and often participating in ‘Pledgetok’.

Pledgetok is where any Greek life pledge makes videos about their experience, from rush fits to total shenanigans, and more.
One Texas Tech Delta Gamma pledge in particular has gained attention on Pledgetok with a few videos gaining millions of views in the past few weeks. The videos consist of complete chaos from dancing along to popular songs, participating in cringe trends, and even performing their own rendition of We Are Young.
That last video is what’s gained them the most attention. With over 1.5 million views and 350.6 thousand likes, there are lots of people getting a good laugh in.
From the initial confusion of one man picking up and pinning another man to the wall, to the hilarity that ensues when more of them pour out of an elevator and start singing ever so slightly out of tune, this video is pure gold.
You really have to take a look at it yourself to appreciate it:
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