Texas Middle School Under Fire After Student Assaults Classmate

On May 11th, 2022, a video was taken of a Coppell Middle School student assaulting one of his classmates in the cafeteria. The video of the incident went viral online and viewers are outraged by what they’re seeing.
The video shows Shaan Pritmani sitting at a table as another student has his arm wrapped around his neck, demanding that he get out of "his seat." The aggressor has allegedly been identified as the son of Sam Wellington, who has good connections with the school authorities and previously ran for Place 7 on the Coppell Independent School District board of Trustees. While the student's father has allegedly been identified, the student's name has not been made public.
As seen in the video below, Shaan refuses to get out of the seat and mentions that there are open seats around him, but the aggressor doesn’t seem to like that answer. After spewing profanities and digging his elbow into the back of Shaan's neck, the aggressor wraps his arm around his neck again, pulling Shaan out of the seat with the grip he has on his neck and head.
Warning: NSFW Language
After this incident, Shaan's parents were contacted by Coppell Middle School and told that their son was involved in an altercation with another student. While anyone viewing the video can tell that the aggressor is Wellington, Shaan was the one to receive harsher punishment from the school. Shaan was given three days of in-school suspension, while the aggressor only received one day.
Of course, Shaan’s parents were upset by this and requested that the incident be reassessed by the school, using the video as evidence. However, the school refused to reassess the altercation and refused to file a citation about the incident because the school administration allegedly asked for it to not be documented due to many bullying complaints that have already been filed.
Due to the school's apparent negligence, Shaan’s mother, Sonika Kukreja, started a petition on Change.org to call attention to the issue at hand.
"Due to lack of support from the Coppell ISD and Coppell PD to correctly handle this assault, we are demanding that the aggressor be removed from my son's school immediately," Kukreja stated in the petition, adding: "All children deserve to be safe at school. Serious repercussions need to be in place for all violence against our children. This type of aggression needs to stop!"
I'm appalled by the news of this Texas school handling an incident of bullying so poorly. If there’s been a history of bullying complaints at your school, the last thing you should do is sweep an incident like this under the rug. I also know someone who attended Coppell Middle School and they were just as horrified by this news. They told me they were shocked to see that something like this was happening there, not just the bullying, but also the language being used and the fact that the school is seemingly doing nothing about it.
Other than a statement made by the school's superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt, there's been no action taken by the school to resolve the issue.
"Bullying, both verbal and physical, as well as physical acts of aggression are never acceptable and do not align with who we are at CISD and our core values,” said Dr. Hunt. However, the way the school has handled this situation makes that statement hard to believe.
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