I am not a fan of the Death Penalty but in some extreme cases, there seems to be no other option. Some people are just evil. The following is a story I found out of Ohio and in my opinion this kid deserves the whole of the laws wrath.

This is one of the most shocking and horrifying things I have ever heard. Last February, an 18-year-old in Chardon, Ohio shot and killed three students and wounded three more in the Chardon High School cafeteria. His name is TJ Lane. Unlike most school shooters, he didn't kill himself. And clearly it's because he's not just a regular sociopath. he's also a dangerous narcissist. At his sentencing, he took off a blue button-down to reveal a white t-shirt with the word "KILLER" on the front. And he laughed and smirked when the victims' families spoke.

After the families, when it was time for his statement as allowed by law, he told them, quote, "This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. [Eff] all of you." And gave them the finger.

Since he was 17 at the time of the shootings, he's not eligible for the death penalty.

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