Many new games are out this week with FIFA 12 highlighting the class. Check out the new releases below and tell us what you think you'll be getting.


"X-Men: Destiny" (T)  on Xbox360, PS3, Wii, and the DS.  You play as a new mutant who joins either the X-Men or The Brotherhood of Mutants.


There are three types of powers, and you can also enhance your character by picking up "X-Genes" throughout the game that give you the mutant power of established X-Men characters, like Wolverine's healing or Iceman's ability to freeze objects.

"FIFA Soccer 12" (E) on Xbox360, PS3, Wii, and the DS. This year's premiere soccer game features three major game play changes, the best of which is the Precision Dribbling feature. It allows you to dribble whilst shielding, meaning you can move around while holding other players off, rather than being stuck in one spot.

"Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2012" (T) on Xbox360, PS3, and Wii. "Cabela's" new hunting game features dynamic weather and natural hazards, the ability to read the animals movement to see what they will do next, and if you get the TOP SHOT Elite Firearm controller bundle for PS3 or Wii you get your very own fake plastic gun that you can snap your Wiimote or Move controller into.

-"A Game of Thrones: Genesis" on the PC. This strategy game is based on George R.R. Martin's "Song of Fire and Ice" book series, which inspired HBO's "The Game of Thrones". It takes place over 1,000 years in the fictional world of Westeros. The goal of the game is to win the Iron Throne by obtaining enough prestige within the realm.


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