National Donut Day Goodies in Lubbock
Friday, June 2nd is National Donut Day, and thanks to my friends at The Consumerist I've discovered a couple of local donut shops that will be participating in the glorious event.
From The Consumerist:
Krispy Kreme: Customers can get one free doughnut of their choice at participating stores all day long (or while supplies last) on June 2.
Dunkin’ Donuts: Over at Dunkin’ Donuts, it’s National Donut Day, naturally, and you can get a free classic doughnut of your choice with the purchase of any beverage all day on June 2.
I have contacted both Dunkin’ Donuts and Krispy Kreme in Lubbock and they are both participating. So get over there and enjoy a donut in celebration of National Donut Day!!!