This is a huge honor for the 56th Masked Rider, Laurie Tolboom, who takes over the important job for the 2017-2018 school year.

Tolboom made her Masked Rider debut at Friday's Texas Tech-TCU game.

The horse, Fearless Champion, took a last ride with outgoing Masked Rider Charlie Snider before he handed the reins to Tolboom at the official ceremony.

"I'm approaching this year with so much excitement. It’s so incredible to be a part of this amazing tradition that has been so important to everybody," Tolboom said in a press release from Texas Tech Athletics. "I've heard a lot of people say that the Masked Rider is their favorite part of Texas Tech. It's a big reason why people come to games and why people love Texas Tech so much."

Tolboom has been riding since she was five years old and has actively pursued an interest in horses since then. She's competed in show events and learned through 4-H experience as well. With both the 2012 Youth World Champion title and 2015 Reserve World Champion title from the American Paint Horse Association to her credit, she's accomplished a great deal.

Tolboom was also captain of the Texas Tech Equestrian Team, where she earned many awards and honors. She's been part of the Masked Rider Crew since 2014.

"I love promoting Texas Tech and the Lubbock area," Tolboom said. "It's an indescribable feeling, joining the ranks of all these amazing people that love Texas Tech as much as I do. To have my name on that list – that's pretty exciting."

Congratulations to the new Texas Tech Masked Rider, she's worked hard to take the reins and we look forward to seeing her in the mask and cape riding proud.


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