Bugs.  We all deal with them, but have you ever really studied bugs?  Well, thanks to this play off Lubbock's Mug Shot Monday - you can see some amazing up-close photos of some really cool bugs.  It's Lubbock's Bug Shot Monday!  Let's start with a favorite...


Not just an under-rated Kevin Costner movie, the actual Dragonfly is quite beautiful.

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Cicadas like bees can swarm - but they don't sting.

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The little ant - small but strong.  And, so liked it has inspired a Marvel superhero and three movies with Paul Rudd.


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The unofficial insect of Texas, Mosquitos are mostly despised.  However, every July the Great Texas Mosquito Festival is held in Clute, Texas.  According to their website...

"The festival was started to promote and encourage tourism in the City of Clute. Over the years, the festival has grown tremendously, attracting some 13,000 plus visitors over the three-day event. The Great Texas Mosquito Festival has received a tremendous amount of publicity across the country in newspapers, magazines, books, on radio and television stations."

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The bug came way before the band and inspired the new DC hero, The Blue Beetle.

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The Mantis (aka Praying Mantis)  is an amazing insect.  One of the most amazing facts from the Drive By Exterminators website is...

"They will eat others of their own kind. Adult female, who sometimes eats her mate just after—or even during—mating."

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Nuff said - so many movies, so much honey....

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A skilled jumper and quite amazing to look at up-close...

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Harmless but a nuisance at a family picnic, The Fly also inspired horror movies with Vincent Price and Jeff Goldblum.

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And finally...we saved the best for last...the luckiest bug of all-time...


Ancient superstitions proclaim the ladybug is good sign of good fortune and abundance.

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So there you have it! Our first edition (and possibly last) of Lubbock's BugShot Monday.  I hope you enjoyed this examination of all of these creepy crawlees.  Please share this post with any bug enthusiasts you know.


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Gallery Credit: Emily Claire

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