Lubbock Scam Artist Using Las Vegas Tragedy for Personal Gain
One of the things I hate more than anything is when someone exploits a massive tragedy for their own personal gain. It's shameful, to say the least.
Thanks to our local media partner Everything Lubbock/KAMC, I've learned that there's a serial con-artist on the loose in Southwest Lubbock.
A woman has been seen with a small child at several Southwest Lubbock businesses soliciting funds to "Get her family back from Las Vegas." The businesses include: South Plains Mall parking lot, Walmart, TJ Maxx, Lowes and Kingsgate Center.
According to Everything Lubbock, just two weeks ago she was pulling a similar scam trying to get money to get her ‘daughter’ home from Albuquerque. See a pattern here?
Here's the suspect description from Everything Lubbock:
She is described as a middle-aged white woman, with a medium build and dark blonde hair. She often has a little boy with her, who is believed to be her son.
One of the employees at Kingsgate Center told KAMC: "She's a heavy-set woman, she always wears a teal, blue shirt with black pants, she always wears her hair up in a bun. She'll come to you at your car if your car window is down, or if she sees you in your car, she'll come to your car. She'll ask you if she can ask you a question."
Three things about this woman make me mad. They are as follows:
- SHE HAD A KID WITH HER? What kind of example are you setting for him? You won’t win mother of the year, I can guarantee!
- You are exploiting a national tragedy for your own gain, what kind of horrible person does this? Oh, wait, we know. Someone like this woman!
- You have been caught all over town doing the same thing, and the story always changes.
Lubbock Police have already been notified of her shenanigans, and hopefully she will be stopped soon.
One piece of advice: Don't let some random person in a parking lot, or anywhere else, tug at your heartstrings. It will always lead to your wallet. Donate to a reputable charity that can do more good.
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