Lubbock Gem & Mineral Society to Host 60th Anniversary Show & Sale May 5th-6th
I'm going to fess up right away- I love crystals, gems and minerals. I think they are so beautiful and I love displaying my tiny collection in my home. My large block of Selenite is a gorgeous gift from a dear friend and I keep it near my bed.
Some folks believe that crystals hold spiritual or psychic power- and really they do, even if you're a skeptic. Because they are beautiful and remind us that true loveliness comes from immense pressure and time, they are important objects to meditate on and enjoy. Or maybe they give you powers, you do you. I'm into it.
The Lubbock Gem & Mineral Society is hosting their 60th show and sale Saturday, May 5th and Sunday, May 6th at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center (1501 Mac Davis Lane).
Tickets available at the door- $4 for adults and $2 for kids and discounted 2 day admissions are available.
As for the selection, it seems immense from the details on their Facebook Event. They even have fossils!:
Vendors with Jewelry, Loose Stones, Rough, Cabs, Slabs, Geodes, Beads, Gemstones, Mineral Specimens, Crystals, Fossils, Spheres, and Lapidary Tools. Hourly door prizes. Drawings for two grand prizes, one for Kids and one for Adults. Numerous display cases and large rocks in our “rocks you can touch” area! Our kid’s area will have games and grab bags, and
we will feature our new fluorescent tent with rocks that “glow in the dark”. Proceeds support the LGMS (501(c)(3) organization), and scholarships in the Earth Sciences at Texas Tech.
If you would like to see a great video on crystal collecting- that's also oddly soothing, check this out:
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