The fallout continues following the explosive claims made by Eric Bolling from the Fox Business channel.

Mr. Bolling claims that the new Muppet movie is left-leaning and brainwashing kids.He specifically had an issue with the villain being a rich oil executive.

Well, following "The Muppets" premiere in London on Thursday, Kermit and Miss Piggy were asked about it in a press conference, and Miss Piggy went after Fox News, saying quote, "It's almost as laughable as accusing Fox News of being NEWS." Check out the Press conference now:

Fox had publically criticized the film for supposedly pushing a 'dangerous liberal agenda' at kids. Really? I always thought the purpose of the show was to entertain the world. Since Conrad Murry's conviction was decided I guess those guys are in bad need of someone to go to jail or die. sad what passes for press these days and even sadder is the effect it has on the masses.

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