Have Dinner With Kliff Kingsbury and Former Texas Tech Players for a Good Cause
July 28th the Walk In Their Shoes Foundation is hosting a fundraising dinner at E&J Smokehouse where you can have dinner with Kliff Kingsbury and a host of former Texas Tech football players. And it all helps local kids in foster care.
Natalie Craig started the Walk In Their Shoes Foundation to help kids in the foster care system break out of what can be an almost hopeless cycle. Their mission statement on their website says their goal is:
...to help many of these children not only build themselves through proper clothing apparel, but work toward a brighter future through participation in sporting camps, opportunities to earn summer scholarships, and the gift of athletic apparel and duffle bags. The goal of the Walk In Their Shoes organization is to provide these children the opportunity to participate in sports outside of their school and assist with things their shelter cannot fund.
I think that is one of the most noble causes I've ever wanted to be a part of. So get involved in any way you can.
Even though the Golf With The Guys scramble is sold out, there are still plenty of tickets left for the dinner with Kliff Kingsbury, Alec Torres, Ryan Haliburton, *LA Reed, Tyrone “Smurf” Thurman, Summit Hogue, Tyler Scaltzi, Eric Ward, Robby Joiner, “Q” Cqulin Hubert, Lloyd Hill, Rodney Blackshear, James Gray, Shawn Jackson, Bam Morris, Kirby Adams, Brandon Carter, Donnie Hart, Tanner Foster and more. Some players are scheduled to appear, but most have already confirmed.
This is a great charity and a great night of fun with Texas Tech Football! Buy tickets at this link and get tons more info on how you can be a part of an amazing evening for some amazing kids.
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