You Will be Shocked at How Little You Know About Lightning
Last week, CNN put out a story highlighting the importance of not showering during a thunderstorm. Maybe it is the fact that I grew up in North Texas where it rains almost a quarter of the year or maybe it is because I am a seasoned meteorologist, but unless you are of elementary age, is this information not common sense?
I vividly remember being told as a child to hurry up and take my shower before the storms rolled into the area. Was that not everyone's childhood? Needless to say, I was shocked that people do not know how to conduct themselves during a lightning event, so I figured that a Public Service Announcement was in order. Here are some of the most interesting facts about this powerful phenomenon!
Do You Know These Spark-tacular Lightning Facts?
Watt do you really know about lightning? This list of odd facts will amp up your understanding of this weather phenomenon!
The 12 Most Breathtaking Views in Texas
Texas is known for football, barbecue, cattle, and oil. What many people don't realize is that our great state should also be known for its waterfalls, swimming holes, mountains, and caverns. Thus, we take a look at the natural wonders of Texas that you will definitely want to add to your bucket list!
Top 12 Unexpected Animals of Texas
No matter if you live in the Wild West, in the suburbs of North Texas, or along the salty seashore of the Gulf Coast, Texas has a wide array of animals that call the Lone Star State their home and some of them may surprise you!