Most Dangerous Animals Found in Texas Lakes & Rivers

Texas is home to many dangerous and even deadly animals. While you are enjoying a day out on the lake or floating the river, you might not think about the dangers hiding below the surface.
There are a variety of animals that live in and around Texas lakes and rivers that can cause serious injury, pain, and even death. From reptiles to bugs, big and small, you better keep an eye out for these critters the next time you are by the water.
Most Dangerous Animals Found in Texas Lakes & Rivers
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American Alligator
Found in lakes, rivers, swamps, and marshes, alligators are an apex predator. While alligator attacks on humans are rare, it can cause serious injury or death if they do occur. Their powerful bite and skilled swimming make them an elite aquatic threat.
Cottonmouth Snake
These semi-aquatic vipers are commonly found in Texas lakes and rivers. While their bites are typically not lethal, they are still painful and can cause tissue damage if left untreated.
Red Imported Fire Ant
This invasive species is found near aquatic environments in Texas. They are aggressive creatures that cause a painful sting. They will attack in a swarm, leaving burning stings and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions.
Texas Coral Snake
These snakes live near both lakes and rivers and have a neurotoxic venom that can cause difficulty breathing, muscle paralysis, death in extreme cases.
Northern Copperhead
These snakes are also dangerous but have a different type of venom. Their venom is hemotoxic and causes pain, swelling, and tissue damage. These snakes are particularly dangerous for children, elderly, and immunocompromised individuals.
Brazos River Water Moccasin
These snakes are the same as cottonmouths but are found specifically at and around the Brazos River. They also have hemotoxic venom, and their bites require prompt medical attention.
Common Snapping Turtle
While not venomous, a bite from one of these turtles can be dangerous due to their powerful bites and aggressive nature.
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