Trashing Parks on Easter Just Makes Lubbock Look Bad
Seeing trash laying about after a holiday is an annoyance, but seeing an entire park trashed after a holiday is, well, trashy.
So apparently, Maxey Park was a disaster zone after Easter activities. It was so bad that one Lubbock resident was cleaning up the mess others made just so that her cousins could use the playground equipment.
From Everything Lubbock:
"I was just disgusted on how people left it," (Landire) Thomas said.
She said when she got to the playground, she spent several minutes picking up beer cans from the slides, cleaning food from the tables and even clearing cigarette butts.
"It's not that hard. Would you leave this mess in your living room or your yard?," she asked. "No. Don't think so."
Ms. Thomas has a good point; you don't live like that, so why leave a public area messed up? Don't make Lubbock look bad just because you want to have a good time. Clean up your mess!
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