Los Hermanos Familia to Help Clean Park
The 9th annual Vamos a Pescar, Let’s Go Fishing event is slated for this Saturday at the Buddy Holly Lake Center. But what is really cool, besides the event, is that they are planning a park clean-up event for this Wednesday, August 9th.
Beginning at 6 pm volunteers from the community will come out to help clean the park around the area of the event.
From Los Hermanos Familia:
“Volunteers helping will include members of Los Hermanos Familia, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Los carnales La Familia, Knights of Columbus, Los Seguidores de Cristo, Fishing's Future of Lubbock and other volunteers.
Posters that demonstrate a debris decomposing timeline, are hung around the area referred to as the Fishing Village. The timeline provides examples of how long trash takes to decompose including examples such as a tin can, or styrofoam cup that takes 50 years; an aluminum can, takes 200 years; a plastic six-pack ring, 400 years; a disposable diaper can take 450 years; or, monofilament fishing line, or a glass bottle that can take up to 600 years.”
So, get out there and help make this park a cleaner and safer place for our kids to fish.
Pre-registration for the event will continue through August 11th and families can register the day of the event beginning at 6 am.
For more information, you can CLICK HERE!
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