Legendary rapper DMC lends his voice to the NoH8 campaign in a new ad against homophobia. "We've all been on the receiving end of discrimination," the Run DMC rapper says. "Now it's our turn to stand up for what's right."

NoH8 began in response to the passage of California's Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage. DMC's message seeks to help "eradicate the homophobia from hip-hop culture," according to NoH8.

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Here are some other stars, muscians and regular Joe's giving it up for the NoH8 Campaign.

Have we or have we not learned anything from our History of Violence? 2011... Isn't high time we set aside our petty discrimination's and prejudices? Acceptance is a person's agreement to experience a situation, to follow a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit. It's that easy. You don't have to approve or condone. Just accept. Accept that there are people that don't live like you do or see the world as you do. From race to religion people are different. People are diverse and unique. Is this not what make the U.S great? -B

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