I have to say that I am not a cat lover. The way they sneak around and hide. Only come around when they are hungry or want some attention. They remind me of a selfish lover. Now with that in mind i do not wish them any ill will. I am not mean to cats or hate them. I am just not a fan. I did however find some people that are more than fans. They LOVE cats. Not as pets but as dinner!

Recently a gathering in Peru went down for a group of cat lovers to take part in a controversial feline-feasting frenzy in honor of one of their ancestors. Every September, people gather in the streets of La Quebrada to pay homage to Santa Efgenia with a full day of music, dancing and, well, cat meat, for a ceremony appropriately referred to as the Gastronomic Festival of the Cat.

This kitty feast, which consists of dozens of cats served to revelers in their choice of either spicy cat stew or grilled cat with huacatay herbs, reportedly serves as an act of respect for a time when early slave settlers survived on cat meat alone. This year, crowds of people eagerly flocked to the festival to take part in the novelty of ingesting a meat that many locals say not only tastes like rabbit, but also serves as an mean aphrodisiac.(So... Cat meat makes your horny?)

Still, many Peruvians are outraged by the festival because they say the only animals fit for consumption are cows, chickens and pigs. However, government officials are not willing to put an end to the festival because they say that issues like poverty and crime take priority over animal rights.

What do you think, if the Pilgrims and the Indians had sat down to a buffet of corn and kitty cat, would our Thanksgiving be a whole lot different?

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