Are You Ready For The Races? Get Tuned Up For Free Next Week!
Before you start revving your engines, it is imperative that you make sure that your car is ready for anything. This includes ensuring that your kids are safe while you are on the road. September is Child Passenger Safety Month and TxDOT's Save Me With the Seat campaign is officially underway. What many parents don't realize is that 46% of child car seats are misused, and many times, it is because they haven't adjusted the safety device as their child has grown.
Dianah Ascencio, TxDOT's Public Information Officer for the Lubbock District wants folks to know that while this may seem trivial, proper installation is the difference between life and death. "It's a hard thing to hear, but children are dying on our state roadways because they're either in the wrong child safety seat or it has been installed incorrectly. Last year, 78 children younger than eight years old were killed on Texas roadways. Sadly, one of those children was in Lubbock County."
Thankfully, TxDOT works hard to help the public stay safe. In a week from tomorrow, they are inviting parents and caregivers to a car seat safety checkup. "On Saturday, September 24th from 10 AM to noon at the Science Spectrum, parents, caregivers, and grandparents can check to make sure that their child safety seat has been installed correctly and that it is the right seat for their child's age, height, and weight," Ascencio stated.
Best of all, the entire event is free to the public and no registration is required. However, if you cannot attend, she notes that this is a service that they provide all year long. "If you purchased a car seat and you are not sure how to install it or you are not sure if it's the correct seat for your the age and weight of your child, then call us and one of our traffic safety specialists will help. It is a free service. Residents can call 806-748-4478."
Remember that a car seat is an insurance policy on your child's life. Don't risk it. Take the time to get your car seat inspected. Lastly, if you are confident that you have installed it correctly, continue scrolling to check out the top ways that these safety devices are misused. You may be surprised at what you find.
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