Does Santa really exist? I looks like he does. An anonymous businessman from Kansas City, Missouri who wants to be known only as "Secret Santa" is traveling the country for the holiday season. Why? To give away $100 bills.

He started with 1,000 of them and he's going to give them all away.  That's a total of $100,000. So far he has been He's been to San Diego, Chicago and Charlotte, North Carolina.  Last week he hit the New York City area to give money to the much needed victims of Superstorm Sandy.

Don;t worry about security for "Santa". With all that cash on him, he travels with a team of former cops and FBI agents. Thank Goodness for that, I can see the headlines now: "Secret Santa Robbed by CrackHead for $60,000 Cash".

It's a shame I have never heard of this guy, he's been doing it for the last five years. And the fact that he is able to keep his name and identity a secret seems impossible. The mystery man actually replaced another Kansas City businessman named Larry Stewart, who gave away more than a million dollars in $100 bills before he died in 2007.

If you had millions... What are some generous things you would do with your wealth?



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