This week's storms in Lubbock signaled the official return of the storm season here on the South Plains. It inspired me to cruise through old photos that I've taken with my cell phone camera over the years, capturing some pretty dramatic photos from last year when we had some amazing lightning and thunder storms.

I thought I'd share some of them with you, along with some other random stuff captured along the way to give you a peek behind the curtain into my personal life.

I hope you enjoy!


  • 1

    Lightning at the Lamp

    This first one was taken in May of 2014 from the back patio of the Gaslight off Slide Road across from the mall. I must have taken 200 photos trying to capture the storm and the perfect lightning bolt. I think I came pretty close!

    Jave Patterson Gaslight
    Jave Patterson Gaslight
  • 2

    Storm Coming In

    While not as dramatic as the photo above, this was taken a bit earlier as the storm rolled east. Again, this was on the back patio of the Gaslight.

    Jave Patterson Gaslight
    Jave Patterson Gaslight
  • 3

    Someplace Under The Rainbow

    This photo was taken over the 4th of July weekend at my aunt's house in Albuquerque. The rain had finally stopped and the moisture remaining in the air as the storm moved east toward the Sandia's made for an excellent rainbow.

    This is the coolest rainbow picture I've done since a visit to Hawaii a few years back. For those of you who have had the pleasure of visiting Hawaii, you know that the islands are the land of a thousand rainbows!

    Jave Patterson
    Jave Patterson
  • 4

    Pool In The Rain

    Kinda like 'Fool In The Rain,' this is 'Pool In The Rain.' It was captured during a storm last summer at the pool area where I reside.

  • 5

    Random Rockstar Days 1

    This one has nothing to do with storms aside from the title of the song we were playing was "Pray For Rain." Here's a look at my life before Lubbock, as my alter-ego for a band in Reno.

    John Tuckness
    John Tuckness
  • 6

    Alter-Ego Rockstar Pic 2

    Here's another one mid-verse!

    John Tuckness
    John Tuckness
  • 7

    Aged for a Day

    This was the coolest mask I ever had. I just wish I knew what happened to it. This was me dressed up as an old woman for my former stations' Halloween party. I actually hung out at the event for an hour before anyone knew it was me!

    Jave Patterson
    Jave Patterson
  • 8

    Killed By Ozzy

    Having a career in radio has afforded me the luxury of having met some incredible people, including this guy who, along with my wife, was trying to kill me!

    Jave Patterson
    Jave Patterson
  • 9

    Dog Guy

    I have owned cats. I am not a cat person. I am a dog person. With little ones this cute, how could you not be? Meet Chico (white), Charlie (always in front) and Pedro (the submissive one).

    Jave Patterson
    Jave Patterson

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