Running home from work to meet with my cable guys, (or maybe it girls) I hit every single red light. You know how you get tense when you have to be somewhere, tossing everything at work into a bag and running out the door hoping your boss doesn't see you?
It's just Murphy's Law that when you need to get somewhere, there's always something to slow you down. Around Quaker and 49th, there was a cop pulling over speeders and handing them tickets. I took this as a sign to simply relax and hope that the cable people would have patience since after all, it's almost Thanksgiving.
No worries on this end, as I am writing this and my cable is still on from the last renter, and I'm now waiting for the service to be switched over. How many things grab your attention and make you run willy nilly through your day which in the end, never called for a spastic rush?
Slow down, stop...listen
There's Always A Red Light In Life

I am reminded of a story: There was a guy who was transporting an expensive race horse in a trailer, his friend asked, "why are you driving so slowly?", to which the driver replied, "well, I have precious cargo". The friend then stated, "so, when it's just me here, you speed like a race care driver...does that mean I'm not precious cargo?"

The message: Pay attention to the Red Lights in your life, because there's always one and you are precious.

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