10 Funny Tweets Reacting to Lubbock’s Earthquake

Many people were taken aback yesterday when Texas’ 5.3 magnitude earthquake was felt in Lubbock, Texas.
I was sitting in my office here at the station when I felt it. Suddenly, something just felt off. I looked over at the floor lamp next to my desk and noticed it swaying back and forth. That is when it clicked that there was an earthquake happening.
I grew up in an area that didn’t have earthquakes, and Lubbock doesn’t typically have them either, so I was surprised. I texted my partner to see if he felt it and he said he felt nothing. One of my friends then sent a message in a group chat and we found that only those of us that were in a higher level of a building noticed the quake. Either way, it was a bit scary and definitely unexpected.
After feeling the quake, many lubbockites took to Twitter to share their experience. Some were confused, while others made some jokes about the situation. Here are 10 tweets about the earthquake that I thought were funny.
Warning: NSFW Language
Keep in mind that aftershocks are common after earthquakes, so don't be surprised if we feel another one in the coming days. Just remember to stay put, take cover, and wait the shaking out. The most important thing is to protect your head and neck, and avoid getting knocked over. So, get on the ground, preferably under a desk or table, and hold on. If you are inside, stay inside. If you are outside, stay outside.
For more information on how to stay safe during an earthquake, visit cdc.gov.
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