As of Friday September 21st, summer is officially over. As the calendar is saying 'Welcome to Fall', the near 90 degree temperatures in the late afternoon are suggesting otherwise. Here are some ways to make it feel like Fall inside your home.

Use Fall “Faux”-liage for Decorating: Some fall leaves can really get you in to the spirit, even if it’s not something we see too often here in Texas.

Light a candle: From pumpkin spice to apple cider, smell is the strongest sense linked to memory so light a scent that REALLY reminds you of Fall and you’ll feel like putting on a sweater.

Visit the Pumpkin patch: It may be too early for Jack-o-lanterns but solid pumpkins and gourds are a fall staple. If you aren’t quite ready for the Halloween orange pumpkins, opt for a white or “ghost” pumpkin. If that doesn’t quite fit your fancy, try painting pumpkins or gourds any color to match your décor.

If all else fails turn down the AC, heat up a bowl of Chilly, grab a sweater, and get in the season of Fall because it has officially arrived!

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