Christmas: a great time for the family to get together, over-eat, spoil each other with gifts and spend quality time with loved ones. Once the presents are unwrapped and clean up is done, what do you do together for fun?


Card games were the rule in our household growing up- Go Fish, Slapjack, Spades and the spirited rounds of competition Uno! With technology what it is, some families will play the latest games on their Playstation, XBox, Wii or other fancy gaming console. Also popular is the resurgence of retro games. Remember playing Astroids or PacMan on the old Atari consoles? Walgreens is now carrying plug-and-play retro Atari and Nintendo consoles, loaded with all the old games we (if your north of 40) grew up on, and their cheap- think under $50 for a console pre-loaded with everything from Space Invaders to Jungle Hunt!

What is your favorite way to pass the time with family post-presents on Christmas day? Leave a comment in the box below.

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