This one is so yucky that a co-worker came to see why I said "ewww" at my desk. It's not the report that gets to me, it's how I know it spreads.

Steve Frost
Steve Frost

The City Health Department has confirmed 37 cases of Shigellosis.

What this means for people who get it is a not-fun potpourri of diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, nausea and vomiting.

If you get it, you need to go to a doctor immediately. This is the disease that we often refer to as "potty fingers" on the air.

Think about it: you're a clean person, but say your kid goes to daycare. They've been playing with other kids and you hold hands with him/her on the way out. Then, you rub your eye or maybe put a piece of gum in your mouth on the way home and BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE.

This is one of the most preventable diseases out there. Wash your hands. Wash them really well. Have your kids wash their little potty fingers. If you're kid gets it and has accidents, bleach and sanitize the heck out of the areas that the doody touched.

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