It's Friday! I know a lot of you have plans to spend some time relaxing and having drinks or socializing with friends over the weekend, and if you are single that can be a depressing thought! I have so many friends that are married and have kiddos while I have nothing but my puppy and golf clubs.

The singles scene is actually ridiculous at times! I actually had a girl pull a quarter from behind my ear, you know, because she was magic, or thought she was. yeah she had a chance!
I would hate for any of you to suffer through another long story about "my cat is the greatest cat in the world" or "why I never put my left shoe on first."

If your going out, put these in your phone so you won't forget to use them after a couple cocktails: conversation starters that could get you lucky!

#1.) Something You're Passionate About.

Women find passionate men attractive. It could be your work, a hobby, whatever if you're passionate about something. It means that passion might transfer to the bedroom too. Now be careful, if you are an Trekkie or lover of Dungeons and Dragons please save that for date three or four.


#2.) Favorite Foods.

This is more about setting up a future date, and the more dates you have, the better your chances of hooking up. If you decide on Italian, then tell her about a dynamite steak house you love and you may be having steak the next weekend and date number two.


Not your favorite position or Adult film star's bio, but if you have a funny story that indirectly ties in with sex, it's a good way to test the waters. If she's feeling it, she'll push the issue. If not, leave it alone. Don't seem anxious or desperate. A lot of decisions to go home together are made in the parking lot at the end of the night away from prying eyes.

#4.) Something Secretive.

Tell her a secret about you. You know, the whole "I can't believe I'm telling you this" type of thing. Just that simple line will make her feel closer to you, like you trust her so she can trust you,


Now some of you may think that this a way to manipulate or take advantage of people, not at all. I just see it as a way to keep the conversation on track with what you in mind. There is nothing wrong with letting it be known that you are out to have some drinks and maybe make a bad decision or two.

Have fun this weekend and Be Careful! You Booze-You Cruise-You Lose!

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