‘Wonder Woman 2’ Scheduled for Christmas 2019 Release
It’s official: Wonder Woman is coming back.
Warners Bros. made the announcement today (weirdly, they did it a few days after Comic-Con, the kind of place people tend to sort of kind of like this kind of announcement) that Wonder Woman 2 is on the release calendar. Expect Gal Gadot to return to theaters on December 13, 2019. (Technically, you’ll see her later this year in Justice League. But this will be her next major appearance, unless something changes in Warners’ plans.)
The announcement is something of a formality; barring the complete collapse of the motion picture industry, there was no way Warners wasn’t making a Wonder Woman 2. The film is already the top-grossing movie of summer 2017 in the United States, and it’s continued to draw huge crowds for weeks thanks to great word of mouth. It’s completely revitalized the DC Extended Universe after the first films were met with tepid receptions. And it made Gadot an instant movie star.
The big remaining question is whether or not Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins will return for WW2 as well. Previous reports indicated that she was already working on the potential story for the film, but Warner Bros.’ release date announcement didn’t explicitly list a director, and according to Variety, the studio still won’t confirm whether she is making the movie or not. Someone throw the Lasso of Truth around one of those executives and see what they say.
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