Patty Jenkins Says She’ll Be Back for ‘Wonder Woman 2’
When Wonder Woman dominated the box office on its opening weekend (and continued to do so over many more), two questions were on everyone’s minds: Would there be a Wonder Woman 2, and would Patty Jenkins come back to direct it? She hadn’t signed a multiple-film contract, so about a month ago it looked oddly up in the air for her. But she has since announced that she’s working on the sequel treatment, and recently said that yes, she would indeed be back at the helm of Wonder Woman 2.
While speaking at a recent Q&A at a Women in Film screening of her movie, per Advocate, Jenkins said that she’s had an epiphany about returning for the sequel.
I had an epiphany about Wonder Woman 2. I was like, you don’t have to do this. It doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion that you do Wonder Woman 2. But then as I was falling asleep I had an epiphany. I was like, Wait a minute. You have the greatest character of all time that you love dearly, with a cast that you love sitting at the palm of your hand at this day and age — you can do whatever you want with them — are you crazy?And then I suddenly realized, it’s not more, it’s another movie. It’s its own movie. And it’s got to be great.
It’s a continuation of the same character, but there’s a great, entirely different story to be told. With this character in our—in the world, that’s fun, because now she exists, just funny, and also says something profound about the world we’re in right now.
While this is by no means officially official confirmation from Warner Bros., we can all relax a little more. The studio would honestly be nuts not to hire her back, just like they would be equally as nuts not to give their most loved Extended Universe superhero to date a second solo outing. And Jenkins clearly loves this character, just as the cast and crew seem to really love working with her. It’s a match made in heaven — or, rather, on Mount Olympus.
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