Women’s Empowerment Week to Be Held at Texas Tech
This Monday, November 13th through Thursday, November 16th, Texas Tech's Department of Women's & Gender Studies will be hosting Women's Empowerment Week.
The theme of the week is "Lift as You Climb", From Texas Tech:
"'WE Connect: Lift as You Climb' incorporates a number of departments and organizations offering a multitude of events. Opportunities include a mentorship dinner, spoken word performance, online and face-to-face forums and a pledge campaign."
Here is a list of the week's events:
- WE Connect: Resource Fair, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday (Nov. 13); Student Union Building (SUB) Red Raider Lounge; A number of departments and student organizations will host this come-and-go fair for faculty, staff and students to find out more about how to get involved on campus.
- WE Connect: Women's Power Hour, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday (Nov. 14); Table in the SUB across from Copy Mail; WGS hosts this come-and-go event.
- WE Connect: Mentor Dinner, 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday (Nov. 14); Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway; Hosted by Risk Intervention & Safety Education (RISE), the Women's Leadership Initiative, the Gender Equity Council, PanHellenic and WGS.
- #IStillNeedTitleIX Online Discussion, 2-4 p.m. Wednesday (Nov. 15); WGS will host an online discussion via Twitter regarding the 45th anniversary of Title IX. Follow along and participate using the hashtag or following @TTUWGS.
- Film Screening, 7 p.m. Wednesday (Nov. 15); Chitwood/Weymouth Classroom; University Student Housing hosts a film screening of "The Mask You Live In." The film highlights the ways in which male-identified individuals can be allies for female empowerment, bringing attention to the ways in which sexism negatively impacts people of all genders, and discussing how everyone can move toward developing healthy gender identity and promoting "enlightened masculinity." Pizza and popcorn will be provided.
- "Spoken Word: Lift as You Climb", 6:30 p.m. Thursday (Nov. 16); SUB Barnes & Noble; The Women's Leadership Initiative hosts a spoken word event that includes different styles of poetry readings, prose monologues and other sketches.
- Weeklong events include a collection drive at Chitwood/Weymouth, inspiration boards at Chitwood and Horn/Knapp and an online pledge by "The Representation Project."
For more information, you can call 806-742-4335.