Okay this morning we got into a heated debate in the Jock office over just who is the biggest and the baddest superhero. That lead to a video that explained "what if Superman was to punch you", the force would be equivalent to 5 Atom bombs. That lead to a website that shows fallout predictions if a nuclear bomb was to go off in your city. ( I swear to you we do not drink or smoke crack at work...)

So imagine if you will that Texas Tech is leading Oklahoma University 35-7 on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon at Jones Stadium when all of a sudden in an instant you were blind and on fire. The North Koreans hit the button and drop a 7 kiloton warhead right on the masked raider. Just what kind of damage are we talking about?  Would the entire city go up? Would we all be dead? The results will surprise you. Check This Out;


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