Condiments are very important, especially here in Texas. While I'm sure to outsiders you guys think we probably smother everything in either Barbecue Sauce or Queso we actually do use other condiments.

I was very surprised by this article in Thrillist who used data collected by Influenster that found what was the top condiment in every state. Their team analyzed over 50,000 reviews to determine which is the "most buzzed-about" condiment in each state and the results were some what surprising to me. Just so we're clear, this doesn't mean that its the most USED condiment in the state, just the most "talked about" or "trending" condiment.

Apparently LOTS of states LOVE Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing (me included) but the condiment that has lots of folks surprised is Nature's Way Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Both of these products are favorites in 10 different states.

But as for Texas, what was the most "trending" condiment:

Bloomberg via Getty Images
Bloomberg via Getty Images

Apparently, we put this s*it on ANYTHING, (that and BBQ sauce and Whataburger Spicy Ketchup, this aint officially on the list, just my personal preference).

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